Investing in our workforce and their well being
The development and transfer of technology throughout our workforce is vital. Investing in and nurturing talent enables us to maintain a skilled and diverse workforce, capable of the successful operation of an internationally recognized Freeport.
Numerous courses and training sessions are attended by our employees, including:
First Response First Aid, our qualified medical staff holds regular courses covering a variety of possible scenarios such as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, use of a cardio defibrillator and the splinting of broken bones.
Operations of plant and equipment, Regular courses are held at Luba by APAVE, an internationally recognised lifting equipment training company, on the operation of our plant and equipment with certification of our operators by Bureau Veritas.
Vocational training, LFL’s heads of department continue to pass on their knowledge to their employees through regular training sessions.
A teacher of “English as a foreign language” is available on site at Luba on a permanent basis. Students are now participating at elementary, intermediate and advanced level with examinations held annually.
Port Facility Security Officer Course (PFSO). This course is regularly attended by our senior staff both in Europe and in Equatorial Guinea. We currently have 6 qualified Port Facility Security Officers.
Human Resources Management, Our H.R. manager recently successfully completed a HR management diploma course in Madrid, Spain and achieved a pass with distinction.
The health and wellbeing of our staff is of paramount concern. Luba Freeport runs a fully equipped emergency response clinic operating 24hours a day, 365 days a year, with highly qualified medical staff. All accidents within the port concession area, whether involving LFL personnel or clients’ personnel, are immediately responded to by our medical staff. A helipad and ambulance are also maintained.
The clinic is equipped with a laboratory, pharmacy, x-ray facility, consultation room, accommodation for the doctor & paramedic and a two-bed ward.